Freelance education writing

I’ve written on primary and secondary education issues, plus issues for school governors, childminders and teaching assistants, for a number of magazines and organisations, including Child Education, Learning Support, The Book Trust, Who Minds? Home and School, PTA, Open University, Education Executive (EduExec) and Scholar. Plus, I contributed articles to the old-style Parents Online website, run by the government’s Department for Education and Skills (DfES).

Book Trust

I wrote several 2022-23 resources for The Book Trust, including:

Making the Most of Your School Library Pack

School Library Pack Resources for Reading Groups

Special School Library Pack

Plus, I wrote the 2023-2024 Special School Library Pack.


Features for the magazine of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years:

Essential apps for the childcare professional – June/July 2013

Helping children with English as a second language – April/May 2013

National Childminding Association

Features for the magazine of the National Childminding Association:

Engaging parents in a child’s learning and development – Feb/March 2013

Helping children settle in – October/November 2012

Supporting a gifted child – August/September 2012

Supporting children with autism – June/July 2012

Helping children break bad habits – April/May 2012

Supporting Children in Step-families – Dec 2011/Jan 2012

Coping With Toddler Tantrums

Helping Children Overcome Shyness

Building Children’s Self-Esteem – June/July 2011

Dealing With Sibling Rivalry – April/May 2011

Supporting Children With Down’s Syndrome – Feb/March 2011

Supporting Children Through Change – Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Supporting Deaf Children – Aug/Sept 2010

Language Matters – April/May 2010

First Steps (walking) – February/March 2010

Dealing With Difficult Behaviour – December 2009/January 2010

Supporting a Child With Autism – October/November 2009

Young and Gifted – August/September 2009

Teething Troubles – June/July 2009

Encouraging Crawling – April/May 2009

Learning Support magazine

All issues of the print magazine are now online, so articles can be read by choosing the appropriate issue from the Knowledge Bank section of the site.

Creature Comforts: Looking After Cuddles – Issue 31, Summer Term 2, 2010

Classroom pets can bring great benefits to children, but they have to be cared for properly and that job often falls to the TA.

Build on Your Success With a Foundation Degree – Issue 16, Spring Term 1, 2008

Happy in Your Work? Issue 15, Autumn Term 2 2007

Making a difference gives TAs job satisfaction.

The Heat is On, Issue 13, Summer Term 2 2007

As summers get hotter and hotter, so do classrooms.

What’s Important for Muslim Pupils, Issue 12, Summer Term 1 2007

There are many schools positively embracing the needs of Muslim pupils.

(This piece has also been published by the Open University, as part of support materials for course E101: Learning Through Enquiry in Primary Schools).

Looking for the Perfect Job? Issue 11, Spring Term 2007

Advice for job hunters.

Lost for Words? Supporting Children Who Don’t Speak English, Issue 10, New Year 2007

English is a second language for one in eight primary pupils and some arrive at school with none at all.

A Change of Direction: Teaching Assistants Who Were Teachers, Issue 9, Autumn Term 2 2006

Being a teaching assistant and seeing what goes on in the classroom often inspires TAs to go on to train to become teachers. But for some TAs their career direction has been the opposite – they were trained teachers, but have changed jobs and become TAs instead.

Child Education magazine

Features for Scholastic’s monthly magazine, aimed at Key Stage 1 teachers:

Oh, Behave! (Discipline), June 2005

Five Steps to a Creative Classroom, March 2005

Body Image, Jan 2005

Dawn-Till-Dusk Schools: Has Your Working Day Just Got Longer? Dec 2004 

The Government wants more schools to offer breakfast and after-school clubs. With teachers’ workload already at breaking point, is the possibility of an 11-hour day the final straw?

PTA magazine

Articles for the quarterly magazine of the NCPTA:

A Sporting Chance, Autumn 2005

Linking Learning (Networking Schools), Summer 2005

Prize Projects, Spring 2005

AGM On The Agenda, Autumn 2004

Lots of Fun! Holding an Auction, Summer 2004

It’s a Gift! Spring 2004

Not all PTAs are wise to the benefits of Gift Aid, but with Rachel Newcombe’s advice, a lot more of you will discover how just a little effort can reap surprisingly big rewards.

Outdoor Entertainment, Autumn 2003

If you think it could be time to give your school playground a facelift, Rachel Newcombe provides some inspiration and ideas.

Home and School magazine

Features for the NCPTA’S previous quarterly magazine for “parents and teachers working together”:

Off The Couch (Tackling Obesity), Home and School magazine, Autumn 2001

Having an active lifestyle, keeping fit and eating well-balanced nutritious meals are great ways of improving our chances of staying healthy. For children, the early years are crucial and habits developed during this time can last long into the future. However, research is increasingly indicating that children as young as primary age are having less physical activity than recommended and are becoming overweight, and in some cases, obese.

Body Talk (ICT health issues), Summer 2001 

The amount of time our children spend on computer related activities, learning in class or just having fun at home, is greater than ever before. Rachel Newcombe reports on a new awareness of the health issues surrounding prolonged computer use.

Seating Arrangements: Posture and School Furniture, Spring 2001

Rachel Newcombe sheds some light on the often overlooked subject of school furniture and offers some advice on ways to invest in your child’s physical well-being in the classroom.

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